06 July 2023
Local Music Đenović Opened the Concert Season in Portonovi
Wonderful music events continue in Portonovi. Last night, the Local Brass Orchestra Đenović performed, played evergreens and rock covers, and made numerous guests and visitor dance. On Marina Promenade, visitors of all generations enjoyed the unique sounds of the Local Orchestra.
The Director of Marketing and Communications at Portonovi, Adrijana Husić, said that the first half of the year was very successful for the resort.
"We had a continuous 30-percent increase in guest numbers when it comes to residences, as well as events we organized. It nicely followed the winter and spring season, and now we’re entering the part that’s most interesting both to the people from Montenegro and those from abroad who come here to spend holidays, that is, the vacation,” she said.
Adrijana said that the Local Music Đenović is now traditionally performing in July, opening the season of summer concerts in the resort. She mentioned that the Croatian star Nina Badrić will have a concert on July 14.
“July and August are full of music and sports events, and we believe that all these activities will contribute to attracting a large number of visitors to the resort and Herceg Novi, which also has a rich offer this summer and numerous events during the summer months,” she said.
The Local Music Đenović Conductor, Branko Rajačić, said that the orchestra has been around since 1919 and that they are the youngest orchestra in Montenegro, with 46 members.
"We had a nice concert and created the right atmosphere for our audience. This has already become a tradition that we stick to when it comes to Portonovi because we always have excellent cooperation. In addition to the traditional sound, the audience had the opportunity to enjoy the hits of Metallica, Deep Purple, as well as numerous rock hits", he said.
Just a reminder – two popular groups’ tribute bands with symphonic orchestras are coming to Portonovi this summer and will perform for the audience in Marina Square. Dancing Queen – ABBA Symphonic Tribute Show will be in Portonovi on July 21, and on August 5, the audience will enjoy QUEEN SYMPHONY SENSATION. Entrance for these two concerts is free of charge.