19 August 2023
Guitar Duo Bulatović-Nikčević Performed in Portonovi
Montenegrin guitar duo Srđan Bulatović and Darko Nikčević performed in Portonovi last night, and the audience had the opportunity to listen to the premiere of new compositions. Bulatović said it was an honor to introduce themselves to the audience in Portonovi.
"Above all, we are in a beautiful space, a complex that adorns Montenegro - it made it more beautiful and raised the quality level of culture and tourism, and everything else," said Bulatović.
The Montenegro Essence concert included the performance of compositions by Bulatović and Nikčević, part of them inspired by the traditional Montenegrin music. Bulatović said they found inspiration for those compositions in different parts of Montenegro.
"Those are mostly compositions recorded for two guitars. However, for this opportunity, we made arrangements for a large orchestra," added Bulatović. He said that the novelty is the composition of the ensemble, which now, for the first time, includes two accordions, a drummer, a percussionist, and an ethno-wind instrument.
Bulatović said that at the concert, they had a premiere performance of some of the new and unrecorded compositions.
"They were written for two guitars, but we made additional arrangements for a performance of this kind of ensemble," said Bulatović.
As he pointed out, they have had a great cooperation with Portonovi from the beginning.
"We have had a lovely cooperation from the beginning; I will only add that in cooperation with them, we had performances in Dubai and Baku. Additionally, we had numerous amazing performances they organized," said Bulatović and thanked the Director of Marketing and Communications at Portonovi, Adrijana Husić, who recognized the significance of the project.
He said that the duo Bulatović-Nikčević will have a concert at the end of the month at the Ljubljana Festival, a very significant and the largest festival in Slovenia.
"After that, we will go to Split, where we will perform in November. December or January is reserved for a concert in Italy, and at the beginning of next year, we will have concerts in Spain and Belgrade," announced Bulatović.
As he said, in addition to that, they are focused on recording a new disc, and they already recorded five-six compositions. Bulatović said that the new CD will be published by Naxos Records, one of the biggest classical publishers in the world. As he said, thanks to the big publisher, their music is listened to all over the world.
"When it comes to the CD, we will publish it in a physical form," said Bulatović.
Nikčević said that for the program in Portonovi, they prepared a more attractive program filled with rhythm. "It is our goal to fill the audience with energy, not take it away from them and have them leave the concert tired. We want them to leave in a bit better mood, content, and with an experience they will remember at least for a while," he said.
When we asked what inspires him to make music and drives him, Nikčević said his love for music has been present since a young age, and he remained faithful to it, even though he graduated and got a master’s degree from a different college.
"The feeling you experience while listening to music - it is a lot stronger while you are on the scene performing music; it is irreplaceable. It is a one-of-a-kind feeling," said Nikčević.
Husić said that the Montenegro Essence concert by guitar duo Nikčević-Bulatović is one of the last concerts of the summer season in Portonovi. And according to her, it was a very successful season.
She said that from spring until now, almost 80 events were organized.
"The Montenegro Essence concert is especially important to us because this cooperation lasts from 2019 and was one of the first presentations of Portonovi to the Montenegrin and international market," said Husić. She pointed out that they have always tried to present the best of Montenegro through Portonovi.
"We often said that Portonovi is actually Montenegro essence, and when you come here, you can find the best of the Montenegrin offer. After the Montenegro Essence concert, we will listen to Fantom, and September is reserved for the Disney concert for the first time in Boka Bay," added Husić.
She said they are already preparing for December activities and the winter season.