20 July 2024
Biljana Keković Exhibition Opened in Portonovi
The exhibition of Montenegrin artist Biljana Keković, titled "Thoughts in Motion," opened on Friday in the Pizana Gallery in Portonovi.
The exhibition is open for the next 15 days, and entrance is free of charge.
At the opening of the exhibition, Keković said that she called the latest painting cycle "Water Cycle."
"It was created spontaneously. Water is the primary form of matter, and it has dual properties, just like light, which is a particle and a wave. Water also has those winding, wavy forms," said Keković.
She also said that she sees the world in colors.
"My primary medium is color. And the light as its source, which absolutely has a million possibilities, and it gives life to the picture or takes it away," said Keković, pointing to the characteristics of duality.
The founder of the Pizana Gallery, Ljiljana Milošević, reminded us that the gallery, as always, organizes exhibitions of serious artists who are established in Montenegro and also the world.
"I believe that an eruption of art in Montenegro started with the opening of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje in the early nineties of the last century; it was also an eruption of energy that was carried in our region," said Milošević.
She pointed out that, coincidentally, the Pizana Gallery started working in the same year.
"I was lucky that the first generation from the Faculty of Fine Arts from Cetinje started working with me," said Milošević.
She emphasized that those artists, including Keković, have become the trademark of the Pizana Gallery.
Milošević pointed out that Portonovi is an institution and a place in Montenegro whose charms can be felt by everyone, adding that three of the most beautiful sounds in nature come together in Portonovi - the sound of the forest, the rain, and the sound of the waves on the seashore.
"Those waves are reaching all of us tonight through this exhibition. We are all with them, and we live for those small water sources," said Milošević, inviting everyone present to see the exhibition, which will be open for the next 15 days.
As she added, everyone is looking forward to the colors presented by Keković.
Because life should be understood as a big painting canvas on which we should put as much paint as possible, and I think we have that tonight," said Milošević.