In Portonovi Resort, the summer of 2023 was filled with exciting events that captivated all homeowners, guests, and visitors. Summer Events Calendar was enriched by events organized by Portonovi Training Studio that were fun to see as well as be part of, such as Kids’ Games, Aquathlon, and 3x3 Basketball Tournament. With inspiring training options and fun events, Portonovi Training Studio is always available for homeowners and guests who care not only about fitness but health as well.
See the recap of the fun events by Portonovi Training Studio this summer:
Sunset Yoga Sessions on Wednesdays and Sundays this summer were very popular, as they provided mindfulness and relaxation. All participants enjoyed being active in the most beautiful setting of the seaside sunsets.
Kids’ activities have been an important part of life in Portonovi. This summer, Kids’ Games were organized three times, and they included exercises and relaxation with animation. Lots of fun for kids and parents, too.
Our expert trainers were available for all those who wanted to get in shape and start taking care of their weight and health. With an individual approach to training and meal plans, the best results were guaranteed and achieved.
Stay healthy and fit all year long. Experience Portonovi Training Studio with modern equipment, great facilities, and amazing professional staff. If not already, you are sure to become a gym lover. Get your Gym Membership today and begin your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.
Unlock your true potential and become the best version of yourself. Let us be your motivation and inspiration for a better and healthier future! Join our community today - take control of your life with one simple step in the right direction. Reach out now.
Nećete pogriješiti ako odlučite da i zimske mjesece provedete na obali, posebno za vrijeme praznika, što će Portonovi rizort još jednom dokazati ove godine – treću put zaredom, uz Portonovi prazničnu sezonu 2024/2025. Praznične sezone u rizortu su iskustvo ispunjeno magijom za sve generacije.
Summer often leaves our hair feeling dry and dull. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, combined with sea salt and chlorine from the pool, leaves us in desperate need of an intensive restoration treatment – especially as autumn and winter bring new trends in hair styling and coloring.
This past summer, Portonovi was once again profiled as a favorite destination, as guests and visitors found entertainment and reason to enjoy the time spent in the resort. With a rich calendar of events, including sports tournaments, art exhibitions, and concerts, there was something for everyone’s taste, and the resort kept its reputation as the place to be.