Prepare to be captivated as the young and exceptionally talented artist Petar Wagner, known as Fantom, returns triumphantly to Portonovi on the enchanting evening of Sunday, December 24. Marina Square will transform into a stage for his musical skills.
Fantom is a performer and an artist who pens his unique narrative through music. He gained regional acclaim with his soul-stirring retro ballad, "Barbara," and distinctive, stylish covers of ex-Yugoslav pop-rock classics. His concerts are renowned for their boundless energy and dynamics, attracting a diverse audience spanning generations.
Currently, Petar is crafting his upcoming album, with the first single, "Miris Jadrana," for which he did the video in Portonovi, a poignant ode to the nostalgic memories of Mediterranean summers. Join us for an unforgettable evening of musical enchantment.
No entrance fee.